Trust me on this I do promise you will like this break in my story please think of this as a breather before I start the storm in my story of "CLONE OF ME"because without telling you anything story points will just start to becoming to a head in more ways than they are right now. As many of you know I'm a HUGE Spider-Man fan as you all know well this has something very special to do with Spider-Man in a very BIG WAY and I mean that in a grand scale type of way.
This has to do with something very much that the current comic has lost and may never regain in my option a consistently of continually when change comes it hurts like a bat out of hell, Yes I know I talked about this before but in part as of today Memorial Day May 25, 2,009 I can celebrate in a way like I know my voice has been heard as many other Spider-fans have voiced for the past three years to Marvel Comics, but JOE QUEASDA or as I've recently have nick name him QUEADippy DOOSA won't listen to Fans he just continues to want to piss Marvel Comics readers off any & ever chance he can.
What I'm talking about is SPIDER-MAN SHOULD BE AND NOW IN THE NEWSPAPER COMIC STRIP by STAN LEE the one who created the character of Peter Parker in the first place is back to after many, many,many need I go on fan letters back to being Married to Mary Jane Watson. I happen to be on one of my favorite Spider-Man websites in the middle of this month and when I saw this

and this really had me start to think is this Mary Jane's first time in the newspaper comic strip really since that editor in chief QUEADIPPY broke them up with a deal to save poor Aunt May from a assassin's bullet in 2,006 GOD awful storyline titled "ONE MORE DAY" in the main Amazing Spider-Man comic line, then I remembered I briefly saw her in another Newspaper comic story this may have been connected to that I'm not really sure I just remember searching the internet to see if the Newspaper comic strip had followed suit of the main comic book Amazing an found this

He himself wouldn't stand up and say wait Joey Queasda What are you doing to us now? In fact in the foreword of the trade paperback collection of "ONE MORE DAY" Stan praised QUEADIPPYDOOSA and the rest of the Spider-man writing team for trying this new look & view of direction for his main man Peter Parker ( I'll bet now with a very sad tear in his eye as he wrote it) That was it I knew if anything I had to rightfully stand for the Spider-Man marriage at all & any cost. For even though he's a fictitious Character this broke his character's roots all together you don't ever put a hero's choice of love in front of duty or in Parker's case Responsibility you've just killed your character if you do that period.
I remember looking up the Spider-Man saving marriage posts online every time I went online still do to just to have them be ignored no matter how truthful I am in what I say of why Marriage matters real or fictitious but I still felt at lost as to why Queasda doesn't get why Marriage is important to people by the defining of the very heroes that they care for real or otherwise, But Stan Lee does get it here's his return of Peter Parker to married bliss.

One last thing if your a Spider-Man fan like I am or not, thanks for letting me share a part why I love him so very much with you. If you'd like to read the Newspaper strip but can't find a paper that it's in go to Spider-Man's Crawlspace.com to catch it on the web.