"CLONE OF ME," Chapter III
by Matt B.
The four groups of mercenaries were spread out all over throughout Kings county in New York, one group was under the streets planting C4 along the dry parts of the sewer system along Madison Ave & east 59th which was the location of where Interlude Energy Enterprises stood. Two more groups were at the south street sea port on water street waiting for the next freighter from Interlude Energy to dock they had already taken out the port's watchman & dock freighter checker, they had them tied up for now in a unmarked building not far from the port itself. The last group was on West 57 & 7th Ave hiding in the rafters of Carnegie Hall, only one of the four there was on the auditorium floor wanting for the "National Weather & Inventions of your lifetime" seminar to begin. He was the leader of the "Forever Movement" a group of mercenaries that was invading the seminar from the other side of the country his name Ben McKnight he wanted the speaker of the event, in his brief case he had a laser pistol. The speaker approached the podium, ready to speak about Interlude Energy's newest satellite technology that he was hoping would improve incoming weather data for tracking incoming weather conditions, he'd also hoped to see a certain someone in the crowd of all these young people, but that person wasn't here.
The speaker gripped the podium as his thoughts of that person were pushed aside while he
"Welcome future inventors of tomorrow my name's Mr. Carter the fourth, I run Interlude
Energy Enterprises here in Manhattan & I'd like take this time to talk about our company's latest satellite
programs in greater detail."
As Ben continued listening as Mr. Carter's ramble on with meaningless dribble as far as he was concerned he remembered from a couple days ago being in Los Angeles listening to another man rant on about hearing about a Interlude Energy Enterprises seminar in Manhattan New York from the conversation with the man known as Mr Raven, Ben gathered he wanted something done with Interlude Energy Enterprises to mess up their plans for a short while at least.
"Ah Mr McKnight I presume right?"
" Ben sir leader of the Forever Movement right" he said as the man poured him a glass of red
whiskey in a pint shot glass along with some for himself.
"No first names McKnight are we understood, I have a special assignment for you & the
Movement it's in Manhattan do you have a fucking problem with that?"
" None what so ever Mr Raven but I'd like to remind you we play for keeps"
" So do I McKnight, so do I"
"If you will all open your brief cases & pull out your general satellite data from NASA
we will beg..."
Ben did as he was told by Mr Carter as everyone else did as well, reaching into his brief
case he pulled out the only thing in his the laser pistol. With the laser pistol pointed at
him Carter froze. Carnegie Hall's security guards were already taken care of by Ben's
buddies in the Forever Movement just minutes ago with canisters of nerve gas.
"Nobody fucking move, especially you Mr Carter"
Ben fired the pistol into the air as if his intentions weren't unclear, as he approached the podium & Mr Carter.
All of the young people attending this seminar had gotten up from their seats to try help Mr Carter in his moment of startling shock of fear of such a important disruption during his announcement for the NASA & Interlude Energy Enterprises greatest venture in over the last decade. Ben waved his laser pistol as if to fire it at all them, but instead it was a signal to his other two team mates to let themselves be known, everyone heard what sounded like M-16's being cocked.
"All right now Mr Carter I want two things from you or those M-16's you just heard will open
up blasting Carnegie Hall's last event for years to come..."
"What could you possibly gain by blowing up such a landmark Mister?" Carter asked the
mercenary while still holding up his arms over his head.
"Never you mind who I am Mr Carter is it kali blewhee for this landmark or will you agree to
hear out the Forever Movement."
"I know that whatever happens here I'll loose that bet in the end, so why don't you give me
your bargaining chip whatever it is & I promise to play your game Mister?"
"I'm so glad to see that your a team leader & player when your life along with so many others are at stake Mr Carter, now as to what those "two things" the Forever Movement with you are the formula for the TRI-Lex format..."
Carter knew he had to be very careful here because he didn't want the truth known that in fact he'd never heard of such a formula known as what this mercenary said. He had known of something called Dire Lore Xnoir -12 from a person on the Internet known as sci_fanboy who had seen on the Internet a job offer from InterEnterprise@busniess/comp.com, he didn't know who sci_fanboy was, but he was sure he wouldn't mind sharing what Carter had hope would save his life & of course these innocent collage students. "Alright I'll tell you something about any formula you want damn it, but I need to be assured by you sir that they won't be harmed at all." Carter pointed out to all of the attends that had just tried to help him, "Now what is the second thing you'd like from me?" Ben shook his head as if to agree with Carter for the moment about no harm coming to the collage students, Carter knew something was wrong for sure. "Look along the walls here Mr Carter don't you see that we the Forever Movement are going to help these poor collage punks out of here but in our own way of course.." Carter's eyes started to tear up as he saw the C4 bombs along the walls of Carnegie Hall, "As for the second thing I want from you Mr Carter is for you to climb up the ladder above your head", from where McKnight had shot a hole in the ceiling of Carnegie Hall just moments ago a shadow now loomed, it was a black stealth plane with a white raven on it's bottom wings span. Carter climbed the ladder followed by Mcknight, once the stealth plane was on the move away from Carnegie Hall it blew up, at the same time this had occurred the C4 on Madison Ave & 59th blew as well both men knew that the shit had just hit the fan Carter's vision started to get fuzzy. "Take us to the freighter Goddamn it" McKnight told the pilot.
"And now in the National news Today in Manhattan, New York a terrorist group known as the Forever Movement has made the city into a cherry apple inferno by planting C4 explosives at Madison Ave & east 59th where the famed Interlude Energy Enterprises once stood & along with the destruction of Carnegie Hall as well as to the reason why is still unconfirmed. More on this story as it comes about, I'm Kell... Samantha Ryder just turned off the news on her Television set when she'd heard of Interlude Energy Enterprises brought up, She was just talking on the phone with her son's new friend Sasha Evermore's mother Rebbecca of how much she likes Sasha herself while making Jon's favorite dessert apple pie, for when he next comes to dinner with Sasha.
Her thoughts of while prepping the crust of the pie, were of Jon's father who runs Interlude Energy Enterprises.
"Oh Max you darling fool of a business man I just hope that you were not at work today, or if you were.." She suddenly recalled when she talked last to him on Friday he was to have a seminar at Carnegie Hall,
"Hey Rebbecca listen I have to let you go dear do you mind if I call you later" "Sure Sweetie is there anything I can do to help, if I can please let me know Ok?"
"There is something that's happened in New York with Jon's father that I 'd like you to know he was killed today and I'd like for you not to tell your daughter of this & let Jon himself share it with her, please Rebbecca?"
"Sure I agree with you whole heartily Sam, And I'm so very sorry for yours & Jon's loss"
As Samantha hung up her phone with Mrs Evermore's mother & started to dial her son's Cellphone she started to cry.
At the Ranch House restaurant in Los Angeles Jon Ryder & Sasha Evermore were sharing a complimentary dinner with their science teacher George Mc Rain because he had truly wanted to tell Jon how very much he was impressed with his "About my theory subject" from earlier today.
"Hey Jon I wanted to let you know Your "About my theory" was & is very neat, also besides that your ideas are great of how your methods of use would be practical in what cloning practices can be useful to all people of human kind & this dinner is the best way I can think of in saying thank you Jonathan Ryder."
" Why thank you George, but is this dinner really a way to say "thank you" as you wish & want or is there something your wanting from my idea, because as Sasha here was saying you know any type of use of cloning is Illegal no matter what?"
Sasha who was sitting next to Jon at their table nearly choked on her red wine as she slapped his hand for the very remark he had just made.
"Hey" she said clearing her throat as she slapped his hand, "Don't be rude or look a gift horse in
the mout.."
At that very moment Jon's cellphone was varbriting in his shirt pocket, he put up his pointer finger to indicate that he needed a moment to answer this call whoever it was from?
"Hello" he said, he could tell whoever it was on the other end of the line had been crying.
"Jon honey, it's your mom dear can I speak with you please?"
"Sure you can Samantha what's up?"
Sasha hadn't yet gotten to talk to Jon about his relationship with his folks yet it was still just a week of themselves knowing each other at that. She just remembered meeting Samantha when they went out for the first time when she brought Jon home.
"It's about your father Jon now listen careful to...." Jon cut her off, "No Sam you & Max hurt me real bad so I don't care what's happens to him!" as he pulled his phone from his ear he heard her say he was killed today. He put the phone back to his ear. "What are you sure?"
December 09, 2008
November 21, 2008
"CLONE OF ME," Chapter II
"Clone of Me," Chapter II
by Matt B.
Science classes at Cal Tech University were in the Mathematics & Science division of building 1124, Krystal knew she was late for just fifteen minutes ago she was outside on the track with Sasha & while talking to her opportunistic father on a company phone of Raven Enterprises about finding help with a personal project of his own. Now as she was heading through the hallway to where the class was in room 342 that had a simple black plaque with writing & numerals in roman text under 342 on a wooden door that had a four by twelve window that could see into the classroom from the hallway. She was sweating just a little.
She had just about reached the door, when a guy that had blond hair & a crazy shirt on that was Navy blue with a slogan around a light bulb on it. The slogan read "Clone science, it's right for me, but is it right for you?" in sky blue colors, she had suspected the shirt was homemade. Had surprised the heck out of her, his hand had covered hers as she was grabbing the door handle.
"Ah Shit" it took her a moment to realize who it was her favorite nerd."Hey Nerd I'd better
let you go first okay?" Krystal said.
"No way my dear lady you got here first, so let me open the door for you & we'll go in together,
if your okay with that?"
Krystal didn't know what to say expect "Okay?, Well Thank You"
Today since they were still studying medical science of the human body the class room had six elongated tables with the front center one clear of anything on it. The other five tables have on them plastic chest cavities that have a plastic human heart that are disassembled for the four groups of five students to reassemble the inner working of the human heart, & when all four groups are done they are to put their plastic chest on the front center table.
"Well I'm glad to see you two know where your suppose to be now Mrs Raven & Mr. Ryder!,
Please take your seat Mrs Raven, Jon you may ask your "About your theory" statement" George Mc
Rain said as he went to sit in his chair at his desk, Krystal sat beside Sasha. "About your theory" was George's question of the month, & now it was Jon's turn.
Jon had hoped he wouldn't flub this up. He'd been practicing all last week in his sleep & before hand while brushing his teeth in the mirror before coming to class.
"Okay well here goes nothing", he took a deep breathe. "Who here recalls "Dolly" from when last the Democrats were in office before now?" Jon was such an expressive type of person that he uses his hands while explaining almost anything while talking, today was no different his hands were right now like a certain red & blue character that swings from web lines from comics. His hands were flexed with his two center fingers in his palms while his first, pinkie & thumb are out stretched in a v shape. Someone raised their hand "Do you mean "Hello Dolly maybe?" The whole class broke out in laughter. Jon didn't recall who the new student was, but pointed a finger right at him, "Let's not be smart asses ok?, so I will ask again Does anybody here remember "Dolly?" still no one answered his question.
" Hey group isn't oblivious I could be wearing the very answer to my own "About your own theory" question here". Jon was pointing at his own shirt.
"Okay class" Mc Rain scooted his chair from his desk to start everyone answering Jon Ryder's inquiry. Now standing beside Jon he said "If no one can recite that they are blind in ten seconds the whole class will be flunked for the rest of the whole sermeter, Ok class you choose!"
"Thank You George" Jon said as he held out his hands palms up out towards everyone. Sasha actaully answered the question even though it really unnevred her as she said it.
"Cloning theatrics, which are Illegal to begin with"
"Actually what Sasha's saying about cloning theatrics or as it's known cloning technology is Illegal but my whole "About your theory" is based on "IF" which I think Mr. Mc Rain's discussions are "IF related anyway", for the most part great. So here's mine, what if cloning technologies are used for medical purposes such as curing cancers & not for mad men to threaten us with possibilities of slave hood as in most science fiction stories, again thanks for your time. Before going to his own table he gave Sasha a thumbs ups, even though he was hoping someone like the idiot from earlier would have tried to answer, since she knew him so well.
As class proceeded on, Jon was thinking of how really lucky he finally was in his life last week at the end of track practice. He saw her tuscan red hair blowing in the wind. He'd always before been troubled by asking a young lady out for fear of having her say "NO!" but this time his fear was a part of him like a feather in the wind, it was gone as he approached her.
"Hey I wanna ask you something?" she turned around smiling back at him, thinking "What
could he want to ask me after all this time?, that he wants to quit track?"
" My name's Jonthan Ryder & I'd like to ask you out, if you don't mind, but I don't know who
you are anyway?'
"My name's Sasha Evermore is what your looking for Mr Ryder, what did you have in mind if
I may inquire please?"
" I was thinking maybe pizza if you'd like or coffee?"
"Pizza or coffee huh?, Well why not. Let's go change outta these suits we have on &
meet at the gym itself ok with you?"
"Sure that's good enough for me as well too, say fifteen to twenty minutes then?"
" Twenty to get showers & to be safe"
They went to a Pizza parlor named Geppetto'z they had a great time playing a game of pool before eating Pizza instead of coffee they had pitcher Geppetto'z Ale. They shared their "greatest first real dates" with each other. Sasha's version was being wined & dined at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris France. She was wearing a Cal Tech track team jacket with a shirt that was as red as her hair that at the collar to shoulders was black with denim jeans. Jon had on denim jeans & a denim coat with a white undershirt with the American flag on it, his "greatest first real date" would be that of being at a comic book convention in any big city in the world but especially Manhattan in New York. Still he had no known reason for going there? He just knew a possible part of him was there.
Later that very night in his own home George was preparing a dinner for himself and his only daughter Kendra. He was making her favorite dish manicotti and Garlic cheese bread in his spacious kitchen. After pulling out both the manicotti and the Garlic cheese bread from the oven to start cooling them off, he heard his doorbell chime. He went to go answer the door. On the other side of the door was a young woman with sandy blond hair, she had on a white T shirt with a purple rainbow with a pink sun behind it. Around the image was a slogan "How is your day Sunbeam?, Bright I hope!" The colors of the letters were orangery yellow like a rising sun. She also had on a pair of denim white jeans.
As George looked through the peep hole he saw that both of her arms were behind her back. Had he forgotten that she was going to be bringing something with her?, He was so excited he must have altogether let it slip his mind.
"Hey Daddy I brought over dessert your favorite to a strawberry topped Key lime pie"
George had unhinged the deadbolt to his front door to let her in.
"You know I said you didn't have to bring anything over that I would be putting dinner together
tonight sweetheart?, Don't you remember from when we talked last I said "Any home cooked
meal is for you, when we get together?"
"Yeah I know, but I did wanted to do this time, since it has been a long time for we haven't had
"A Mc Rain family get together in quite sometime" besides how often do I get to spoil you?,
instead of the other way around?"
"Nothing wrong with that, because you are so right it has been a long time for our family time. Please won't you come in and put the pie in fridge. Take a seat at the dinning room table the manicotti and Garlic bread is just cooling off now."
As Kendra was putting her father's special pie into the fridge a thought had occurred to her, had her father like last time forgotten she better ask to be sure. George was now slicing up the manicotti for them to have with the Garlic bread he was ready when his daughter asked her inquiring question.
"Did you remember the cheese on the bread this time?"
George looked at her fully wide eyed as he answer her.
"Who me forget? shame on me, this time I did remember. I know that I forgot last time and yes
it was my fault."
George felt his cellphone vibrate as his daughter gave him a peck on his cheek, as he handed her the plates to serve up the gooey dish that he had just sliced into pieces to go with the Garlic cheese bread.
"Who is that dad?"
"I'm not sure honey but I promise I will be only a minute alright!"
Kendra took a bite of her slice of manicotti as she set her father's plate on the dinning room table. She just was wondering whom her father was talking to?
by Matt B.
Science classes at Cal Tech University were in the Mathematics & Science division of building 1124, Krystal knew she was late for just fifteen minutes ago she was outside on the track with Sasha & while talking to her opportunistic father on a company phone of Raven Enterprises about finding help with a personal project of his own. Now as she was heading through the hallway to where the class was in room 342 that had a simple black plaque with writing & numerals in roman text under 342 on a wooden door that had a four by twelve window that could see into the classroom from the hallway. She was sweating just a little.
She had just about reached the door, when a guy that had blond hair & a crazy shirt on that was Navy blue with a slogan around a light bulb on it. The slogan read "Clone science, it's right for me, but is it right for you?" in sky blue colors, she had suspected the shirt was homemade. Had surprised the heck out of her, his hand had covered hers as she was grabbing the door handle.
"Ah Shit" it took her a moment to realize who it was her favorite nerd."Hey Nerd I'd better
let you go first okay?" Krystal said.
"No way my dear lady you got here first, so let me open the door for you & we'll go in together,
if your okay with that?"
Krystal didn't know what to say expect "Okay?, Well Thank You"
Today since they were still studying medical science of the human body the class room had six elongated tables with the front center one clear of anything on it. The other five tables have on them plastic chest cavities that have a plastic human heart that are disassembled for the four groups of five students to reassemble the inner working of the human heart, & when all four groups are done they are to put their plastic chest on the front center table.
"Well I'm glad to see you two know where your suppose to be now Mrs Raven & Mr. Ryder!,
Please take your seat Mrs Raven, Jon you may ask your "About your theory" statement" George Mc
Rain said as he went to sit in his chair at his desk, Krystal sat beside Sasha. "About your theory" was George's question of the month, & now it was Jon's turn.
Jon had hoped he wouldn't flub this up. He'd been practicing all last week in his sleep & before hand while brushing his teeth in the mirror before coming to class.
"Okay well here goes nothing", he took a deep breathe. "Who here recalls "Dolly" from when last the Democrats were in office before now?" Jon was such an expressive type of person that he uses his hands while explaining almost anything while talking, today was no different his hands were right now like a certain red & blue character that swings from web lines from comics. His hands were flexed with his two center fingers in his palms while his first, pinkie & thumb are out stretched in a v shape. Someone raised their hand "Do you mean "Hello Dolly maybe?" The whole class broke out in laughter. Jon didn't recall who the new student was, but pointed a finger right at him, "Let's not be smart asses ok?, so I will ask again Does anybody here remember "Dolly?" still no one answered his question.
" Hey group isn't oblivious I could be wearing the very answer to my own "About your own theory" question here". Jon was pointing at his own shirt.
"Okay class" Mc Rain scooted his chair from his desk to start everyone answering Jon Ryder's inquiry. Now standing beside Jon he said "If no one can recite that they are blind in ten seconds the whole class will be flunked for the rest of the whole sermeter, Ok class you choose!"
"Thank You George" Jon said as he held out his hands palms up out towards everyone. Sasha actaully answered the question even though it really unnevred her as she said it.
"Cloning theatrics, which are Illegal to begin with"
"Actually what Sasha's saying about cloning theatrics or as it's known cloning technology is Illegal but my whole "About your theory" is based on "IF" which I think Mr. Mc Rain's discussions are "IF related anyway", for the most part great. So here's mine, what if cloning technologies are used for medical purposes such as curing cancers & not for mad men to threaten us with possibilities of slave hood as in most science fiction stories, again thanks for your time. Before going to his own table he gave Sasha a thumbs ups, even though he was hoping someone like the idiot from earlier would have tried to answer, since she knew him so well.
As class proceeded on, Jon was thinking of how really lucky he finally was in his life last week at the end of track practice. He saw her tuscan red hair blowing in the wind. He'd always before been troubled by asking a young lady out for fear of having her say "NO!" but this time his fear was a part of him like a feather in the wind, it was gone as he approached her.
"Hey I wanna ask you something?" she turned around smiling back at him, thinking "What
could he want to ask me after all this time?, that he wants to quit track?"
" My name's Jonthan Ryder & I'd like to ask you out, if you don't mind, but I don't know who
you are anyway?'
"My name's Sasha Evermore is what your looking for Mr Ryder, what did you have in mind if
I may inquire please?"
" I was thinking maybe pizza if you'd like or coffee?"
"Pizza or coffee huh?, Well why not. Let's go change outta these suits we have on &
meet at the gym itself ok with you?"
"Sure that's good enough for me as well too, say fifteen to twenty minutes then?"
" Twenty to get showers & to be safe"
They went to a Pizza parlor named Geppetto'z they had a great time playing a game of pool before eating Pizza instead of coffee they had pitcher Geppetto'z Ale. They shared their "greatest first real dates" with each other. Sasha's version was being wined & dined at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris France. She was wearing a Cal Tech track team jacket with a shirt that was as red as her hair that at the collar to shoulders was black with denim jeans. Jon had on denim jeans & a denim coat with a white undershirt with the American flag on it, his "greatest first real date" would be that of being at a comic book convention in any big city in the world but especially Manhattan in New York. Still he had no known reason for going there? He just knew a possible part of him was there.
Later that very night in his own home George was preparing a dinner for himself and his only daughter Kendra. He was making her favorite dish manicotti and Garlic cheese bread in his spacious kitchen. After pulling out both the manicotti and the Garlic cheese bread from the oven to start cooling them off, he heard his doorbell chime. He went to go answer the door. On the other side of the door was a young woman with sandy blond hair, she had on a white T shirt with a purple rainbow with a pink sun behind it. Around the image was a slogan "How is your day Sunbeam?, Bright I hope!" The colors of the letters were orangery yellow like a rising sun. She also had on a pair of denim white jeans.
As George looked through the peep hole he saw that both of her arms were behind her back. Had he forgotten that she was going to be bringing something with her?, He was so excited he must have altogether let it slip his mind.
"Hey Daddy I brought over dessert your favorite to a strawberry topped Key lime pie"
George had unhinged the deadbolt to his front door to let her in.
"You know I said you didn't have to bring anything over that I would be putting dinner together
tonight sweetheart?, Don't you remember from when we talked last I said "Any home cooked
meal is for you, when we get together?"
"Yeah I know, but I did wanted to do this time, since it has been a long time for we haven't had
"A Mc Rain family get together in quite sometime" besides how often do I get to spoil you?,
instead of the other way around?"
"Nothing wrong with that, because you are so right it has been a long time for our family time. Please won't you come in and put the pie in fridge. Take a seat at the dinning room table the manicotti and Garlic bread is just cooling off now."
As Kendra was putting her father's special pie into the fridge a thought had occurred to her, had her father like last time forgotten she better ask to be sure. George was now slicing up the manicotti for them to have with the Garlic bread he was ready when his daughter asked her inquiring question.
"Did you remember the cheese on the bread this time?"
George looked at her fully wide eyed as he answer her.
"Who me forget? shame on me, this time I did remember. I know that I forgot last time and yes
it was my fault."
George felt his cellphone vibrate as his daughter gave him a peck on his cheek, as he handed her the plates to serve up the gooey dish that he had just sliced into pieces to go with the Garlic cheese bread.
"Who is that dad?"
"I'm not sure honey but I promise I will be only a minute alright!"
Kendra took a bite of her slice of manicotti as she set her father's plate on the dinning room table. She just was wondering whom her father was talking to?
November 07, 2008
"CLONE OF ME ," Chapter I
"Clone of Me,"
by Matt B
Chapter I
Sunset was just beginning over Los Angeles California, the colors in the coming night sky were a vibrant pink & purple with a light reflection of orange red to yellow red as the sun was sitting on the hazy clouds. The glare of the sunset was reflecting off the glass window walls of Raven Enterprises penthouse & as Bruce Raven looked out the window walls he wasn't thinking of the beauty of the nice colors of the sun setting at all this Friday night.
Back in the 1950's his grandfather Mark "Ryan" Raven had started Raven Enterprises in Austin Texas. Simply put Mark had the company set up to help people in need of those type like hopelessness,homelessness, food for the belly & many others. Bruce's need it self was very hidden while growing up, in fact Bruce literally had such misgivings of how his Grandfather "Ryan" ran Raven Enterprises. In 1982 Raven Enterprises was moved to California in the heart of LA, under Bruce's father Jim Raven. Some way in the part of the transition he had under minded Mark's contracts to energy rather than continuity helping poor people of any way possible. Mark had tried to fight the changes his son Jim had put into effect in a court of law, since Jim was now the CEO the state saw that the change was more in company value than just net worth alone of past leadership control. It was to much for the old man he died in 1990 a sad & broken soul.
Jim had wanted to start with weapon invoices & contracts for the company's main new direction for it's future, But instead he had gotten several invoice lists of weather machine overriding codes. He put them in his personal safe in his home. What was wired about all the invoices was they all had a water smear of who was sending them on just the first letter. So they read ax carter interlude energy enterprises, Jim was always left guessing was it a real outfit or not. Young Bruce who had a slight crush on a girl named Samantha Ryder was also very interested in that too for "IF" his future held to being one day himself being CEO Raven Enterprises he wanted to know all the players up front.
In the penthouse of Raven Enterprises as Bruce Raven sits in his leather chair he sips from his flute that held a very small amount Chateau St Michelle's Merlot, while on his cell phone. The Merlot was bitter sweet tasting on his tongue, his mood didn't help from who he was talking to on the other end of the line.
"Mc Rain what are you saying to me that you won't give me that list?"
George Mc Rain was a science Professor at Cal Tech, he was standing over his school owned PC screen looking down at his list of students he wished that this very conversation wasn't happening. The computer showed a picture of each pupil with a colored line with the pupil's GPA at the end. The colored lines represented who was going to help Mc Rain in the next subject the class was studying, this was his idea of how also he could see that said "student's" interaction on real problems as well. Still he knew being in Raven Enterprises paid pocket was his only hope for his family's well being, but he wished to Hell it wasn't.
"George you know we here at Raven Enterprises need your help to find another type of
TRI-Lex format to make the Carbo Ice. So I shall ask again who have you got on your list?"
George knew all of his students would never take part in helping a mad man like Mr. Bruce Raven willingly. He had a folder in the top drawer his desk that had every students infromation of what he was seeing on the computer monitor, so he hit the Delete button, since he knew he was right for now. With the slience on his cell phone, Bruce Raven did the only thing he could blood ran over his fingers for the glass of liquor was smashed out of pride if nothing else.
"No we don't have a single student here at Cal Tech, I'm so sorry Mr. Raven"
"So am I Mr Mc Rain"
Sleeping over the rest of the weekend was rough for Bruce, he knew he could only start his plan of getting a Cal Tech student to rework the TRI-Lex process to Carbo Ice on Monday, it would only be that he could get in touch with her then. If he could only recall when she had a moment of free time. On Monday at midday Bruce knew he had one more ace in the hole, Maybe Krystal could find the hope in the failed TRI-Lex project. He had speck of hope as he made the call on his cell phone.
Out at Cal Tech's track the team was practicing for their next meet. Krystal Raven was running with her race team during warm up against their rivals from UCLA. She felt her leg vibrate as she stop to get some water at the center of the field, she reached into her sweat pants pocket to pull out a designer company cell phone the phone had a emblem of a "white" Raven against a black background.
"Hello Ms Raven"
It was her father on the other end of the line, he'd always addressed her as a non entity this way regardless of if he called her for business or pleasantly type of talk. She could tell this was the latter by his smooth voice.
"What do you want?"
"Daddy needs his little Raven to do her BEST work"
Krystal knew what her father meant by "BEST" work" & was sure without a doubt he wanted her to do this for her own future in the company not to mention for him as well, she just wondered who he was pressuring & what for at least a little anyway.
" OK who's needing my pressure or rather Raven's pressure enforced?"
"A Mr. Mc Rain my dear"
"That old science fart here at Cal Tech?"
"Yes that'd be the one", Bruce says as he approaches his oak cabinet to find a bottle his best
kind of wine "Damn"
"What is it Mr. Raven?"Krystal ask now hearing him on the other end of the phone Bruce
tells her to use her own discretion in the said matter.
Someone had come up behind Krystal & reached out for her shoulder from behind. It was
fellow student & assistance track team coach Sasha Evermore.
"Miss Raven is it?"
"yes, oh my God gotta go.." she'd not realized her father had already hung up.
"Sasha what's up?" Krystal asked, as Sasha grabbed her hand that held the cell phone
& closed it for her. "Class's dismissed" Evermore started to head off to the showers.
She had expected Krystal to follow her since they both had the same class next
by Matt B
Chapter I
Sunset was just beginning over Los Angeles California, the colors in the coming night sky were a vibrant pink & purple with a light reflection of orange red to yellow red as the sun was sitting on the hazy clouds. The glare of the sunset was reflecting off the glass window walls of Raven Enterprises penthouse & as Bruce Raven looked out the window walls he wasn't thinking of the beauty of the nice colors of the sun setting at all this Friday night.
Back in the 1950's his grandfather Mark "Ryan" Raven had started Raven Enterprises in Austin Texas. Simply put Mark had the company set up to help people in need of those type like hopelessness,homelessness, food for the belly & many others. Bruce's need it self was very hidden while growing up, in fact Bruce literally had such misgivings of how his Grandfather "Ryan" ran Raven Enterprises. In 1982 Raven Enterprises was moved to California in the heart of LA, under Bruce's father Jim Raven. Some way in the part of the transition he had under minded Mark's contracts to energy rather than continuity helping poor people of any way possible. Mark had tried to fight the changes his son Jim had put into effect in a court of law, since Jim was now the CEO the state saw that the change was more in company value than just net worth alone of past leadership control. It was to much for the old man he died in 1990 a sad & broken soul.
Jim had wanted to start with weapon invoices & contracts for the company's main new direction for it's future, But instead he had gotten several invoice lists of weather machine overriding codes. He put them in his personal safe in his home. What was wired about all the invoices was they all had a water smear of who was sending them on just the first letter. So they read ax carter interlude energy enterprises, Jim was always left guessing was it a real outfit or not. Young Bruce who had a slight crush on a girl named Samantha Ryder was also very interested in that too for "IF" his future held to being one day himself being CEO Raven Enterprises he wanted to know all the players up front.
In the penthouse of Raven Enterprises as Bruce Raven sits in his leather chair he sips from his flute that held a very small amount Chateau St Michelle's Merlot, while on his cell phone. The Merlot was bitter sweet tasting on his tongue, his mood didn't help from who he was talking to on the other end of the line.
"Mc Rain what are you saying to me that you won't give me that list?"
George Mc Rain was a science Professor at Cal Tech, he was standing over his school owned PC screen looking down at his list of students he wished that this very conversation wasn't happening. The computer showed a picture of each pupil with a colored line with the pupil's GPA at the end. The colored lines represented who was going to help Mc Rain in the next subject the class was studying, this was his idea of how also he could see that said "student's" interaction on real problems as well. Still he knew being in Raven Enterprises paid pocket was his only hope for his family's well being, but he wished to Hell it wasn't.
"George you know we here at Raven Enterprises need your help to find another type of
TRI-Lex format to make the Carbo Ice. So I shall ask again who have you got on your list?"
George knew all of his students would never take part in helping a mad man like Mr. Bruce Raven willingly. He had a folder in the top drawer his desk that had every students infromation of what he was seeing on the computer monitor, so he hit the Delete button, since he knew he was right for now. With the slience on his cell phone, Bruce Raven did the only thing he could blood ran over his fingers for the glass of liquor was smashed out of pride if nothing else.
"No we don't have a single student here at Cal Tech, I'm so sorry Mr. Raven"
"So am I Mr Mc Rain"
Sleeping over the rest of the weekend was rough for Bruce, he knew he could only start his plan of getting a Cal Tech student to rework the TRI-Lex process to Carbo Ice on Monday, it would only be that he could get in touch with her then. If he could only recall when she had a moment of free time. On Monday at midday Bruce knew he had one more ace in the hole, Maybe Krystal could find the hope in the failed TRI-Lex project. He had speck of hope as he made the call on his cell phone.
Out at Cal Tech's track the team was practicing for their next meet. Krystal Raven was running with her race team during warm up against their rivals from UCLA. She felt her leg vibrate as she stop to get some water at the center of the field, she reached into her sweat pants pocket to pull out a designer company cell phone the phone had a emblem of a "white" Raven against a black background.
"Hello Ms Raven"
It was her father on the other end of the line, he'd always addressed her as a non entity this way regardless of if he called her for business or pleasantly type of talk. She could tell this was the latter by his smooth voice.
"What do you want?"
"Daddy needs his little Raven to do her BEST work"
Krystal knew what her father meant by "BEST" work" & was sure without a doubt he wanted her to do this for her own future in the company not to mention for him as well, she just wondered who he was pressuring & what for at least a little anyway.
" OK who's needing my pressure or rather Raven's pressure enforced?"
"A Mr. Mc Rain my dear"
"That old science fart here at Cal Tech?"
"Yes that'd be the one", Bruce says as he approaches his oak cabinet to find a bottle his best
kind of wine "Damn"
"What is it Mr. Raven?"Krystal ask now hearing him on the other end of the phone Bruce
tells her to use her own discretion in the said matter.
Someone had come up behind Krystal & reached out for her shoulder from behind. It was
fellow student & assistance track team coach Sasha Evermore.
"Miss Raven is it?"
"yes, oh my God gotta go.." she'd not realized her father had already hung up.
"Sasha what's up?" Krystal asked, as Sasha grabbed her hand that held the cell phone
& closed it for her. "Class's dismissed" Evermore started to head off to the showers.
She had expected Krystal to follow her since they both had the same class next
October 31, 2008
Forward & Prolouge of "Clone of Me":
by Matt B.
Hello Matt here, I'd like to take a quick moment and thank some very special people here: Anyone whose a Blog reader & likes to share their ideas & words freely, my whole family as well, especially Bo Bartlett & my granddaddy Ben Powers.... But most of all I want to thank God for giving us all the ability to be creative in ourselves....
It was very strange weather for the time of year, it was hailing but it had been hailing for several weeks at a time. The hail was it's normal golf ball size yet it's weight was as heavy as a gold bar. The news stations were sure that this weather was sure to pass on last night, they were wrong. People were stuck for weeks at home, work, or in places where they enjoyed themselves as well. No one knew if this was nature's doing or man made but still everyone was scared.
The hail had destroyed buildings & streets alike holes in the streets stopped traffic cold & buildings came apart like tissue paper, there surfaces of brick or stone crumbled because of the possible metal element that was with the ice itself. Most of the street lights had fallen into houses & it was apparent Armageddon was happening again. Dream or no dream he knew he was the cause of what was happening or at least in part he was.
A piece of hail that had broken into his & Evermore's apartment had landed on the floor. He had been watching a show of Evermore's favorite TV series, the show had main characters that started each episode with focus on a eye. He saw in his burled mind's eye he was looking down at his own bloody covered hands...
"NO, NO, NO"
He'd been having this dream for weeks now he had wanted Sasha to sleep out on the couch, but she was insistent on sharing the bed with him. For if he had the dream again she wanted to be there for him.
"Jon, Jon wake up hon your dreaming again your scaring me please wake up honey." Last night he'd knocked her off the bed of course it was an accident. Jon was still trying to sleep because he wanted to know why he had bloody hands on him in his REM sleep.
" Sash stop please I'm ... "
In Jon's REM sleep he sees himself looking from his bloody soaked hands to the floor, what he sees is still burled as always. "I'm, I can almost see..."
Sasha is trying to get Jon up by punching him, like always Jon finally wakes up & is perspiring like a white ghost just out of the fridge.
"Oh God not again!"
Sasha was holding Jon to reassure him it was again okay that the dream wasn't important at least for now. "No I do know it's important" Jon said "How or why?" Sasha asked as she tried to kiss him Mr. Ryder for the answer. She knew he'd never share about this nightmare, & really she didn't care about Jon's dreaming habits she just cared about his well being & his friendship with her. Jon himself kinda had a feeling as to what the nightmare was but knew it would upset Sasha no matter how he would tell it. He always woke like he did tonight, but tonight for the first time he saw an eye.
Jon & Sasha had finally made their way to Raven Enterprises via their own bikes & the city's light rail system. They come to talk to Mr Raven himself to tell him Jon had had enough of the DLX-12 project no matter what.
"And your sure without a doubt your leaving no matter what my father has to offer you Mr & Mrs Ryder, nothing could change your mind at all?"
The young lady that had asked the question was about a month or two younger than Sasha herself. She was wearing a tan blouse with a leather white cowboy looking vest & a denim jean skirt.
"No!, No matter what you cold hearted little Bitch" Sasha pounded her fist on the young lady desk to make her point known. Then turned to put her tearful face into Jon's strong shoulder as she looked away from Krystal. Mr Raven's only child.
"We're not married, Krystal" Jon had told the brown haired lady that just stood up from her desk.
"Tell her Jon please just tell her what her father is or I will" Sasha said as she wiped her face again of tears as she reached into her shirt's pocket to hand him the zip lock baggie.
"what the Hell is your sassy friend Ms. come again what's her name saying Mr Ryder?"
Krystal asked.
Jon was very tempted to show Ms Raven what he & Sasha had found on the bedroom floor, from last night but then thought better of it, As he stood up for his friend as he knows she would for him if their roles were in reverse.
"Ms Evermore" Jon says & then continues on "your father's project of DLX-12 has finally worked as he projected and..."
"And do you have any proof of this Jon?"
Sasha felt Jon's hand relax a little on her back as he thought he & Mr. Raven's daughter were done completely.
"So what you want & are saying Mr Ryder is that you want out of the program part of the DLX-12 as well?," Ms Raven says to Jon Ryder.
"Yeah it's the only reason we're here Ms Raven & you know that yourself or I'd at least hope you would know your father more better than just as your boss?"
" I'd hope for your sake Jon you, you all of people wouldn't be the one to be a fool with what you truly know of our work here at Raven Enterprises..."
Sasha is almost in even bigger shock on hearing this as she looks more fearful than she did last night Jon notices.
Krystal reached out for a silver frame photo that was on the corner of the desk that just
moments ago she'd ran her pointer finger over, whoever was in the picture Jon and Sasha couldn't see. Krystal sat back down in her chair as she continued to listen to what Jon had to say.
"The weather part of DLX-12 is only part of your father's pet peeve project & you know it Krystal !"
"Why of course I know that as anyone who works with daddy sure, but are you admit it scared to deal with what that said project part of DLX-12 pertains too besides the weather part since you took part in the whole of the project yourself Mr Ryder don't be coy with me or Ms Evermore here."
Sasha now looked at Jon skeptically now realizing she doesn't know everything about his work here or did at Raven Enterprises entirely. "What's she talking about Jon?"
Krystal rose from her desk with a smile on her face that surprised even Jon himself.
"What I'm saying is Jon here has got to know that he has to stop himself as well as my dear old insane daddy isn't that right Jon Boy?"
Krystal Raven walked out of the room leaving Sasha more confused about Jon's whole involvement in all this Project DLX-12?.....
by Matt B.
Hello Matt here, I'd like to take a quick moment and thank some very special people here: Anyone whose a Blog reader & likes to share their ideas & words freely, my whole family as well, especially Bo Bartlett & my granddaddy Ben Powers.... But most of all I want to thank God for giving us all the ability to be creative in ourselves....
It was very strange weather for the time of year, it was hailing but it had been hailing for several weeks at a time. The hail was it's normal golf ball size yet it's weight was as heavy as a gold bar. The news stations were sure that this weather was sure to pass on last night, they were wrong. People were stuck for weeks at home, work, or in places where they enjoyed themselves as well. No one knew if this was nature's doing or man made but still everyone was scared.
The hail had destroyed buildings & streets alike holes in the streets stopped traffic cold & buildings came apart like tissue paper, there surfaces of brick or stone crumbled because of the possible metal element that was with the ice itself. Most of the street lights had fallen into houses & it was apparent Armageddon was happening again. Dream or no dream he knew he was the cause of what was happening or at least in part he was.
A piece of hail that had broken into his & Evermore's apartment had landed on the floor. He had been watching a show of Evermore's favorite TV series, the show had main characters that started each episode with focus on a eye. He saw in his burled mind's eye he was looking down at his own bloody covered hands...
"NO, NO, NO"
He'd been having this dream for weeks now he had wanted Sasha to sleep out on the couch, but she was insistent on sharing the bed with him. For if he had the dream again she wanted to be there for him.
"Jon, Jon wake up hon your dreaming again your scaring me please wake up honey." Last night he'd knocked her off the bed of course it was an accident. Jon was still trying to sleep because he wanted to know why he had bloody hands on him in his REM sleep.
" Sash stop please I'm ... "
In Jon's REM sleep he sees himself looking from his bloody soaked hands to the floor, what he sees is still burled as always. "I'm, I can almost see..."
Sasha is trying to get Jon up by punching him, like always Jon finally wakes up & is perspiring like a white ghost just out of the fridge.
"Oh God not again!"
Sasha was holding Jon to reassure him it was again okay that the dream wasn't important at least for now. "No I do know it's important" Jon said "How or why?" Sasha asked as she tried to kiss him Mr. Ryder for the answer. She knew he'd never share about this nightmare, & really she didn't care about Jon's dreaming habits she just cared about his well being & his friendship with her. Jon himself kinda had a feeling as to what the nightmare was but knew it would upset Sasha no matter how he would tell it. He always woke like he did tonight, but tonight for the first time he saw an eye.
Jon & Sasha had finally made their way to Raven Enterprises via their own bikes & the city's light rail system. They come to talk to Mr Raven himself to tell him Jon had had enough of the DLX-12 project no matter what.
"And your sure without a doubt your leaving no matter what my father has to offer you Mr & Mrs Ryder, nothing could change your mind at all?"
The young lady that had asked the question was about a month or two younger than Sasha herself. She was wearing a tan blouse with a leather white cowboy looking vest & a denim jean skirt.
"No!, No matter what you cold hearted little Bitch" Sasha pounded her fist on the young lady desk to make her point known. Then turned to put her tearful face into Jon's strong shoulder as she looked away from Krystal. Mr Raven's only child.
"We're not married, Krystal" Jon had told the brown haired lady that just stood up from her desk.
"Tell her Jon please just tell her what her father is or I will" Sasha said as she wiped her face again of tears as she reached into her shirt's pocket to hand him the zip lock baggie.
"what the Hell is your sassy friend Ms. come again what's her name saying Mr Ryder?"
Krystal asked.
Jon was very tempted to show Ms Raven what he & Sasha had found on the bedroom floor, from last night but then thought better of it, As he stood up for his friend as he knows she would for him if their roles were in reverse.
"Ms Evermore" Jon says & then continues on "your father's project of DLX-12 has finally worked as he projected and..."
"And do you have any proof of this Jon?"
Sasha felt Jon's hand relax a little on her back as he thought he & Mr. Raven's daughter were done completely.
"So what you want & are saying Mr Ryder is that you want out of the program part of the DLX-12 as well?," Ms Raven says to Jon Ryder.
"Yeah it's the only reason we're here Ms Raven & you know that yourself or I'd at least hope you would know your father more better than just as your boss?"
" I'd hope for your sake Jon you, you all of people wouldn't be the one to be a fool with what you truly know of our work here at Raven Enterprises..."
Sasha is almost in even bigger shock on hearing this as she looks more fearful than she did last night Jon notices.
Krystal reached out for a silver frame photo that was on the corner of the desk that just
moments ago she'd ran her pointer finger over, whoever was in the picture Jon and Sasha couldn't see. Krystal sat back down in her chair as she continued to listen to what Jon had to say.
"The weather part of DLX-12 is only part of your father's pet peeve project & you know it Krystal !"
"Why of course I know that as anyone who works with daddy sure, but are you admit it scared to deal with what that said project part of DLX-12 pertains too besides the weather part since you took part in the whole of the project yourself Mr Ryder don't be coy with me or Ms Evermore here."
Sasha now looked at Jon skeptically now realizing she doesn't know everything about his work here or did at Raven Enterprises entirely. "What's she talking about Jon?"
Krystal rose from her desk with a smile on her face that surprised even Jon himself.
"What I'm saying is Jon here has got to know that he has to stop himself as well as my dear old insane daddy isn't that right Jon Boy?"
Krystal Raven walked out of the room leaving Sasha more confused about Jon's whole involvement in all this Project DLX-12?.....
October 28, 2008
More than just one form of a creative mind or idea at work
Hello all,
I got to thinking just today about my creative juices in a BIG WAY. While at work today I got to thinking I want to write a novel or at least a story that I have total control over, now if you'll look on the side of my information about me I say I like to read & that I like to draw as well. In this blog I'll share some of my art work from over the years. See I've always had an inkling to create I'm sure that it's within all of us we just have to reach down & find it within us. I've been drawing since I was a kid in the early 80's I'd do things like super heroes or cartoons & a little of my own stuff as well, I even remember writing my own short story in the 3rd or 4th grade titled " Where'd the stolen lunch go?" I wish I still had a copy of that too ah well on to better things I guess.
Like I said I had gotten to thinking today at work about a story I will write here at "Day life of the Matt" called "Clone of Me", This is how serious I am about this today at work at my lunch time I bought a writing pad & two retractable pens, & wrote characters names down. One other thing to point out when I was collecting comics I came across how to write for comics in every way I'm just recalling basics of what it was saying, altogether even though my Idea's my own. Here's some of that promised drawn art:

I got to thinking just today about my creative juices in a BIG WAY. While at work today I got to thinking I want to write a novel or at least a story that I have total control over, now if you'll look on the side of my information about me I say I like to read & that I like to draw as well. In this blog I'll share some of my art work from over the years. See I've always had an inkling to create I'm sure that it's within all of us we just have to reach down & find it within us. I've been drawing since I was a kid in the early 80's I'd do things like super heroes or cartoons & a little of my own stuff as well, I even remember writing my own short story in the 3rd or 4th grade titled " Where'd the stolen lunch go?" I wish I still had a copy of that too ah well on to better things I guess.
Like I said I had gotten to thinking today at work about a story I will write here at "Day life of the Matt" called "Clone of Me", This is how serious I am about this today at work at my lunch time I bought a writing pad & two retractable pens, & wrote characters names down. One other thing to point out when I was collecting comics I came across how to write for comics in every way I'm just recalling basics of what it was saying, altogether even though my Idea's my own. Here's some of that promised drawn art:

October 24, 2008
It's only been one week
Hey there everyone,
I want to share with you what I got last week on Friday night from my brother, when he came home from work. I of course really paid for it so it's not like it is a gift from him or anything at all like that, but it sure as heck is very nice indeed. Here's a small hint as to what it is?, It will help me come the second month of next year in 2,009, I can also use this thing as a monitor as my computer screen if I want/wish to as well. OK enough with the guessing games it's a 42 inch plasma screen High Definition TV with a 16:9 screen.
Since I'd been hearing about everybody needing to upgrade their analog broadcast signal to HI DEF by getting a government receiver tuner or get a HI DEF TV I decided to go with the latter for you can more choices with a TV than you can with a converter box, at least from how my folks & my brother & a few friends that I know kept telling me. My folks also thought that it would be better to get a HI DEF TV before the February deadline in the new year. So my brother had offered to look for it for me when I was ready. He knew I wanted it to compatible ports for my DVD player & Playstation2 as seen in the picture above.
Here are a few pictures my mom took of me with my new High Definition TV try guess what the ice scene is from here.
Finally here a pure great pic of the late Bill Bixby in the new Incredible Hulk movie that stars Edward Norton as the part that Bix played in the live action TV show of the same name in the late '70's into the early '80's. Norton's Banner is flipping channels to learn "Portuguese" and come across an episode of "The courtships of Eddie's father" which Bix starred in the late '60's.
I have yet to try my Playstation2 out on this nice TV but so far on it I've watched Star Trek, First Contact, some New & old He-man cartoons, the classic Flash Gordon from the "80's" The "new" Incredbile Hulk movie & the classic TV show as well which I do after posting this as well, & Finally Heroes which I tried to watch when it first aired in 2,004 but I was to tried to watch but I found agreat deal at Hasting not long ago of buy one DVD gift set get another for free so I went with Heroes season one after teasing myself again with season three which is running now it's called Villains for you Heroes fans out there. I enjoy season one alot of the few episodes I've seen thus far.
October 07, 2008
Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character pt.5 of 5 Spidey at a party & lot more
Hey all,
Spider-man sure looks like a PARTYING ANIMAL in these pics here in this last blog of "Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character?", Well and he should he's with me Matt B. his BIGGEST FAN EVER. How did this happen you may ask?, well I'll tell you his BIGGEST FAN happen to be having a birthday at the said time in fact it was my 320th birthday at the time. (Damn don't I look great for an old man) just joking or am I?, Really that birthday was my favoritee one of all my years on this beautiful planet we call earth. Also he looks very religious looking as well doesn't he? (More that later in this blog). I recall wanting a very special cake that year, not just because I loved Spider-Man or because his movies see "Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character (pt. 4 of 5: Spider-man movies)" but I also was happy because of a girl that I was getting to know at that time. I went digging into my old photos of Spidey & me from when I was a kid before this though I wanted an "ALIAS" cake from the TV show only to find out my work place had no cake patterns to do such a thing, so I went with my comic book hero instead: Spider-Man.
So why am I 360 right now right if I'm really only 36 years old, I thought as I got closer to being 30 I had want to play with my age each concerning year because I love being a kidder with myself most of all. So I decided I'd add another zero to my actual age so when I was 30 I always said "NAH, I'm really 300 years old, People that I know just get a kick out of it like I do. Hey that reminds me on my next birthday I'm going to be a whopping 370 years old, lucky me huh. Well like I said I went looking through old photos that I had of me & Spidey that was in that when he was in Columbus Georgia when they were opening that new mall called Columbus Square which I also have posted in the first blog in this series. I took the picture to work & they photo scanned it onto the cake, they also asked me would I like it to say something besides "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I said sure how about "Happy Birthday to Spidey biggest fan!"

Then I had also had invited some coworkers from Albertson's to my party as well as family & friends. We had it at ROY'S a all you can eat buffet type of eatery, little did I or anyone in my family knew what I was in store for from my coworkers. They knew Spidey more than I did apparently for he showed up at MY party out of the New York blue. My niece Heidi was very scared of Spider- Man when he was picking up uncle Matt.

She was more afraid when he had actual started doing his Spider acrobatics around the room when he first got there, but when Spidey picked me up that set her into tears for a few minutes anyway, she was young so of course it very understandable from her point of view. As you can see I at least came to my party deck out in my own Spidey clothes with a Spidey tie that I had gotten a few years earlier. My younger sister was stationed in North Korea at this time, she had sent me a very nice Spider Man coat that she had made over there with my name on the coat as well as a huge John Romita SR piece of Spider Man art on it. All in all I wasn't just surprised at my 320th birthday party I was blown away by it, & still think till this day it was my best ever. I know that my family will agree with me on that note, so would Spidey since he was there too.
And now on to what I meant by "a lot more" in this blog. Another point of Spider Man history I would like to talk about is "Religion" in comics, Why did it take the event of 9/11 to have Marvel comics convince the concept it's needed in this format of telling stories that deal with the subject. Of course there had been many other "events that could of" lead to both main publishers of comics the other being Detective Comics to bringing "Religion", into their stories But like I've said before 9/11 brought all of America together as a whole, I also know that in their own way both comic companies have written about God for each of their main characters at one time or another.
Each comic book writer brings with them a set of stories that they want to tell while they have their turn at writing whoever that character is. Sometimes they even might bring a religious aspect to the stories to get their point across intentional or non intentional. There are times when some comics are written directly for sharing the gospel's most are put in tracts that people give to help us remember God's message itself. There are few comic book writers that have it be that withinn the story it self they includee God saving you in some way too.

Here is a fine example of what I mean with my favorite super hero spidey himself, this story was written by Paul Jenkins I can't recall this story's title but it doesn't matter this opening page just reminds the comic reader God's very important to fictional heroes just as he is to us in real life. Writer JMS who before writing Amazing Spider-Man had never written a comic book, but has claim as creator of Babylon Five TV show which reviled Star Trek's: DS-9 had this panel of how Peter feels towards his wife Mary Jane per "One More Day" storyline.

What's very interesting about JMS is that he himself is an atheist, but writes the Spider-man character as a protestant Christian. Spidey is Marvel's every man he represents us as flawed as we are so why can't he be their own outward looking view of the comic universe's "Prodigal Son" as well.

In order for Marvel Comics to WIN Matt one of Spidey many #1 fans back to their reading core is this PLEASE reestablish Parker's Marriage & let the characters evolve in whatever fashion they will after CIVIL WAR So Peter now has to deal with the whole world knowing he's the wall crawler & Aunt May could pass on he & Mary Jane have kids one day so what those aren't great stories I guess huh?. Well here's what would truly bring ME back but will NEVER EVER HAPPEN a Marvel/Image crossover of Spider-Man vs Spawn & if Todd McFarlane drew it would be a HUGE PLUS as well. If your a comic fan reading this blog and would like to know what your favorite comic character religious beliefs are go to www@.religiousaffiliationofcomicbookcharacters.com.
Spider-man sure looks like a PARTYING ANIMAL in these pics here in this last blog of "Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character?", Well and he should he's with me Matt B. his BIGGEST FAN EVER. How did this happen you may ask?, well I'll tell you his BIGGEST FAN happen to be having a birthday at the said time in fact it was my 320th birthday at the time. (Damn don't I look great for an old man) just joking or am I?, Really that birthday was my favoritee one of all my years on this beautiful planet we call earth. Also he looks very religious looking as well doesn't he? (More that later in this blog). I recall wanting a very special cake that year, not just because I loved Spider-Man or because his movies see "Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character (pt. 4 of 5: Spider-man movies)" but I also was happy because of a girl that I was getting to know at that time. I went digging into my old photos of Spidey & me from when I was a kid before this though I wanted an "ALIAS" cake from the TV show only to find out my work place had no cake patterns to do such a thing, so I went with my comic book hero instead: Spider-Man.
So why am I 360 right now right if I'm really only 36 years old, I thought as I got closer to being 30 I had want to play with my age each concerning year because I love being a kidder with myself most of all. So I decided I'd add another zero to my actual age so when I was 30 I always said "NAH, I'm really 300 years old, People that I know just get a kick out of it like I do. Hey that reminds me on my next birthday I'm going to be a whopping 370 years old, lucky me huh. Well like I said I went looking through old photos that I had of me & Spidey that was in that when he was in Columbus Georgia when they were opening that new mall called Columbus Square which I also have posted in the first blog in this series. I took the picture to work & they photo scanned it onto the cake, they also asked me would I like it to say something besides "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I said sure how about "Happy Birthday to Spidey biggest fan!"
Then I had also had invited some coworkers from Albertson's to my party as well as family & friends. We had it at ROY'S a all you can eat buffet type of eatery, little did I or anyone in my family knew what I was in store for from my coworkers. They knew Spidey more than I did apparently for he showed up at MY party out of the New York blue. My niece Heidi was very scared of Spider- Man when he was picking up uncle Matt.
She was more afraid when he had actual started doing his Spider acrobatics around the room when he first got there, but when Spidey picked me up that set her into tears for a few minutes anyway, she was young so of course it very understandable from her point of view. As you can see I at least came to my party deck out in my own Spidey clothes with a Spidey tie that I had gotten a few years earlier. My younger sister was stationed in North Korea at this time, she had sent me a very nice Spider Man coat that she had made over there with my name on the coat as well as a huge John Romita SR piece of Spider Man art on it. All in all I wasn't just surprised at my 320th birthday party I was blown away by it, & still think till this day it was my best ever. I know that my family will agree with me on that note, so would Spidey since he was there too.
Each comic book writer brings with them a set of stories that they want to tell while they have their turn at writing whoever that character is. Sometimes they even might bring a religious aspect to the stories to get their point across intentional or non intentional. There are times when some comics are written directly for sharing the gospel's most are put in tracts that people give to help us remember God's message itself. There are few comic book writers that have it be that withinn the story it self they includee God saving you in some way too.

Here is a fine example of what I mean with my favorite super hero spidey himself, this story was written by Paul Jenkins I can't recall this story's title but it doesn't matter this opening page just reminds the comic reader God's very important to fictional heroes just as he is to us in real life. Writer JMS who before writing Amazing Spider-Man had never written a comic book, but has claim as creator of Babylon Five TV show which reviled Star Trek's: DS-9 had this panel of how Peter feels towards his wife Mary Jane per "One More Day" storyline.

What's very interesting about JMS is that he himself is an atheist, but writes the Spider-man character as a protestant Christian. Spidey is Marvel's every man he represents us as flawed as we are so why can't he be their own outward looking view of the comic universe's "Prodigal Son" as well.

In order for Marvel Comics to WIN Matt one of Spidey many #1 fans back to their reading core is this PLEASE reestablish Parker's Marriage & let the characters evolve in whatever fashion they will after CIVIL WAR So Peter now has to deal with the whole world knowing he's the wall crawler & Aunt May could pass on he & Mary Jane have kids one day so what those aren't great stories I guess huh?. Well here's what would truly bring ME back but will NEVER EVER HAPPEN a Marvel/Image crossover of Spider-Man vs Spawn & if Todd McFarlane drew it would be a HUGE PLUS as well. If your a comic fan reading this blog and would like to know what your favorite comic character religious beliefs are go to www@.religiousaffiliationofcomicbookcharacters.com.

September 29, 2008
Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character (pt.4 of 5: Spider-man movies)

Spider-man as a movie took actually quite a long Journey of close to two decades before seeing light. Spidey had already had enjoyed a lot of small screen time going back to when he was created in late 1962. In fact the first animated spider-man cartoon called simply Spider-Man the '67 collection for those looking for it on DVD was comprised of cutouts of the comic book itself to use as animation it had 52 episodes and ran on ABC network I think? But the one thing it had going for it was it's theme: "Spider-Man. Spider-Man. Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web , any size. Catches thieves- just like flies. Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man! Is he strong? Listen, bud. He's got radioactvie blood. Can he swing from a thread? Take a look overhead. Hey there! There goes the Spider-Man! In the chill of the night, at the scene of a crime, Like a streak of light, he arrives just in time! Spider-Man. Spider-Man. Wealth and fame? He's ignored. Action is his reward. To him life is a great big bang-up, you'll find the Spider-Man!" Then in the later 70's Spidey had two live action shows.
Those two shows were in the latter 70's were when he was Spider-Man he would never talk it was just plain action, action, action, one of the shows was called The Electric Company which didn't originally start with spidey on the show but by season four (1974-75) there was a short spidey segment in comic fashion, but like I said he never spoke they used word balloons to carry the point across. I saw these after having that coloring book like I said in the first part of "Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character" feel even more in love with the character because it aired on PBS right after Sesame street & Mister Rogers. Then a couple years later on the CBS network when Marvel was making live action TV shows about their characters they had "Captain America", "Doctor Strange", but the most successful one was "The Incredible Hulk" which became a series after it's pilot and ran from (1977-82). Which starred Bill Bixby & Lou Ferrigno (with me being a big fan of the hulk I also have that series as well on DVD of what's out so far....). "The Amazing Spider-Man" TV show ran two seasons but both were so short you'd think it was one. Marvel made a cartoon of Spider-Man in the early 80's called Spider-Man and his Amazing friends which had him teamed with (X-Men members Fire star(which looked a lot like Mary Jane from the comics) & Ice Man. The Amazing Spider-Man & his Amazing friends was narrated by Stan Lee. The show was paired with a cartoon version of The Incredible Hulk on NBC & aired after the Smurfs at 11:00 on Saturday mornings. So I had my weekends filled I'd watch the Incredible Hulk & The Dukes of Hazzard on Friday nights & have my Saturdays filled as well.
In 1985 it was announced in the "New York post" that come the following Christmas Spider-Man was going to be made into a motion picture by Cannon Films. This of course turned to be false. The idea of a Spider-movie may have started way back then, but a great many things kept occurring that put the webhead's movie debut on a continual hold: Marvel comics the company had been sold back & fourth many times in the late eighties, Movie companies that had the Spider-Man movie treatment or bible as any movie project is called before any script is made kept going into bankruptcy. At one time in the mid nineties James Cameron & his "Titanic" cast of Leonardo DiCaprio was to be Peter Parker & Kate Winslet Mary Jane, while this fell through because of how Cameron's script was so lacking in any "origin" included. Marvel productions on it own made one more Spidey toon around this time. It had great stories & stay true the history of what was established in the core comic book "The Amazing Spider-Man". With the success of "Blade" in '98 Marvel knew it finally had found that Hollywood could handle making movies of their properties with great care, but the movie that really punched through was Bryan Singer's X-Men in 1999. Marvel again wanted make Spider-Man movies but who would be a perfect director that knew Spidey's Origin & wouldn't screw it up Enter: Sam Raimi. Raimi had started making films in the late seventies, but like me he has had a great love for Spidey since he was a child. Raimi had made horror films the early 80's like "Evil Dead" & "Army of Darkness" but he'd also had super heroes foothold as well in 1990 for Universal pictures he directed his own creation of "DARKMAN."
In 2000, Sony Pictures & Marvel came to an agreement to make the webslinger's first movie. The movie starred Tobey Maguire, Kristen Dunst, & Willem Dafoe the movie had everything that a Spider-Man movie should have in it, especially a cool line from Aunt May that touches any comic fan(s) heart. "Your not Super- Man you know" she tells peter in the movie trailer. Speaking of the original "SpiderMan movie trailer", they pulled it just a week after letting it be trailered (I happen to be lucky enough to see it on Final Fantasy) the trailer included a scene where Spidey webs these bank robbers helicopter between the Twin Towers in New York city. A few days later 9/11 had happen, so they edited the whole scene out of the movie & reworked the trailer so it didn't have that in it, to play it safe the movie wasn't released till May 3rd 2002, (I'd happen to seen the movie Nine times in the theater is that dedication to my childhood hero or what?) TV Guide put out five Spider-Man movie covers when the movie was released each one was by a different comic artists.
In 2004 Spider-man 2 they had him face Doc Ock which is known as Doctor Octopus in the comics. This one also starred Tobey Maguire, Kristen Dunst again but instead of Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin they had Alfred Molina play Doc Ock. This movie was almost without it's star Maguire because while he was filming Spider-man 2 he was also filming Sea Biscuit where he had a scene where he was thrown pretty hard, so when we see him with renewed strenght & faith from Aunt May's words he falls while getting back into the websling & his line "Oh my Baaccck" is both funny in the movie but very painful for Maguire none the less. I also saw Spider-man 2 nine times at the theater too. In between Spider-man 1 & 2 Sony put a short cartoon on M-TV to bridge what happens between those two movies. Spiderman 2 opened June 30th.
In 2007 on May 4th Spiderman 3 opened this one had added two villains like the Batman films of the late ninties had done. The two villains were Raimi's favorite Sandman & comic fan boys favorite Venom, they also added more girl problems for Parker in the film by introducing Gwen Stacy. In this one Peter was going to ask Mary Jane to marry him as he did in the comics "pre ONE MORE DAY'S" slashing of spidey comic life which is just sick I believe, but also like in the comics he get a new costume which feeds on him & changes his personality till he gets rid of it. Stan Lee makes a cameo in each of the three Spider-man films as well.
Hey I figured while I been talking about Spider-Man movies you like to know where they rank as a possible quartet (Did I just say a fourth SPIDER-MAN movie is coming out, more on this in a quick minute). My favorite superhero movies are as follows Superman the movie, Spider-man, Iron Man, Dark Knight, X-Men2 better known as X-Men:united, the new Incredible Hulk movie & finally for the list right now any way the 1980's version of Flash Gordon that old Queen song gets me every time. I was looking in a old magazine of Time and earlier this week and saw that they had a section called Briefing in the September 22,2008 in the "predictable part" it says I quote "Tobey Maguire considering two more Spider-Man films, two more summerhouses" then later this past week on Fox news 9/30/08 I saw a sip nit of a Spider-Movie set to hit theaters in 2010 or 2011 with all on board as far as I know.
To be continued in "Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character pt:5 of 5 "Spidey at a party & lots more"
September 18, 2008
Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character (pt.3: Spidey's Wedding to Mary Jane ) of 5

How do you know love, when it hits you straight up?, does it matter who you love?, how do you know that other person knows you love them? Well when Stan Lee created Spidey not only did he make him a guy who had to learn (With Great Power, Must come Great Responsibility with him gaining the powers of a spider, yet failing to stop his uncle Ben's murder before it occurs even though he had the chance a week before: This is in part 2 of 5 of "Why I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character: Spidey's Motto"), another aspect Lee put on the character was he had problems with the ladies. Whether he was working on an class project for school, working at the Daily Bulge as a freelancer photographer to earn money to provide for his & May's everyday living expenses, & of course running off to stop the villains running about in New York. He'd thought of dating Betty Brant from the Daily Bulge whilst working there he even did for a short time, till her brother was killed while he was being spidey trying to stop a crime. She'd always like Peter Parker but resent his heroic persona of you know who?, There was also at that time while he was seeing Betty there was Liz Allen who he knew from high school, Who liked peter as a friend mostly at first, when he found out the Motlen man was Liz's half step brother things were simply ended between them at least in the romantic sense of things.Then in his first year in collage he met the only other Woman besides Mary Jane he'd ever love her name Gwen Stacy she was known as Peter's "true love" & she liked neither Peter or Spidey at first she liked Flash Thompson before even noticing Peter at all, But she to came to resent Parker's alter ego as well for she thought Spider-man killed her dad George Stacy who was a retired police captain, when he was fighting Doc Ock. What had happen really was Peter used a chemical in his webbing to make Ock loose control of his mechanical arms & ock's arm hit a brick chimney loose that almost kills a young boy,luckily George Stacy saves the boy from harm but is hurt very badly & spidey tires to get him to a hospital only have George tell him he knew who was under spidey mask & to take care Gwen then he died. Then of course there's Mary Jane who because she knew of Parker's secret avoided meeting the young man her aunt was setting her up to go out with on "a date with" Peter on the other hand was just starting to like Gwen a whole bunch, and resented anyone his dear aunt would want to set him up with.
When Stan Lee went on to other things & left the Marvel universe & it many characters to other writers he didn't know that a writer by the name of Gerry Conway a young new writer in comics would cause one "VERY BIG" rip in the hearts of Spider-man fandom, by killing Gwen Stacy with his own approval of course. They then realized their mistake at Marvel so instead of trying to fix the said problem they made it worst. How?, With Conway two years into his spidey stories came up with the idea of a villain obsessed with Gwen decided to clone her to torment who he had believed killed the girl that he loved, but as if that wasn't enough this villain known as the Jackal had created a clone of Spider man as well. During this time in the story Conway may have pushed things too far as other writers are concerned by having Peter & MJ kiss for the first time while he was off to Paris on an assignment for the Daily Bulge. Anyway how the "first" clone storyline ended was Peter dumped his clone down into a smoke stack not really knowing if he was real or the clone. Some years passed with stories of Peter not Graduating from collage because of all things he failed Gym class because of fighting villains all the time during classes. He thought at this time in his life he wanted to settle down, so he proposed to Mary Jane for the first time with a box of "Cracker Jacks" with a real diamond ring inside the box ( I want to do something that way, when I propose to my girlfriend). Of course Mary Jane's response is a flat out "NO!"
At this time it was the late 70's Stan Lee had started writing "The Amazing Spider man newspaper comic strip & Marvel comics had created Debbie Whitman a co ed student in the collage scene for Peter & Felicia Hardy a villain at first known as the Black cat but later reformed as replacements for the missing Gwen love interest, since at this time in the story Mary Jane was off to California & Florida pressuring her modeling career. Also at this time Peter made aunt may very mad with him for he had decided to quit collage altogether. When Mary Jane paid a surprise visit to Peter's apartment during the Roger Stern stories boy did she ever get a surprise herself when she found Pete smoothed in lipstick from a fellow freelance photographer Amy Powell, she went back to her modeling gigs once more for a short time, while Peter was whisked away to the Beyonder's world with other heroes & villains where he got a new Black & white costume.
When Peter returns from the "Secret Wars" he finds out that his new costume is alive & it wants to bound with him permanently. He & the Black cat team up from time time but she likes his heroic side of the hero instead of his plain ol Peter Parker, Mary Jane returns & tells peter that she's known his secret forever & she also tell him that she's never truly faced the problem down or her own problems either. She tells him she's always running away instead of facing her guilt, Pete can relate to her in this way for that is why he knows he must be spider man. Spidey goes to to fantastic four for help in removing the alien costume since they were on the Beyonder world during the secret wars as well as he they remove the suit, but for a while Peter can't find the courage to return to the ol' Red & Blue just yet so he has the Black cat make him copies of it in cloth.
In 1987, Stan Lee wanted Peter to get Married in the newspaper strip, but he knew that he had a BIG problem yet again, how to do it with him married the in newspaper but NOT in the comic book. So Stan called Marvel's editor in chief & told him what he wanted to do with his creation. What had to happen because the way a comic book comes out & how a newspaper strip come out are very very different, they had to plan months in advance to get it right. So while Stan was finishing up his lead in story in the newspaper Marvel released a three part lead in on the annual coming out that summer in the regular "AMAZING SPIDER-MAN" title of comic books, (see also there were two other "Spider-man" titles running in Marvel's line of Spidey books at the time). So everything was set because not only were they going to do the marriage in both the Comic & the Newspaper strip but in New York on June 5, 1987 at SHEA STADIUM N.Y. Mets game (that's baseball for you who know your sports very well) they had a "live wedding of the webslinger & his beloved red haired gal officiated by Stan Lee himself at the game's halftime event (I wish I could've been there I know it would been fun for sure oh yes I do know that).
Marvel was fine with their flagship character being wedded,at first they let it be. Then they thought it was suppose to be a "gimmick" to boost their readership oh & how did it ever so when they put a Canadian comic artist Todd McFarlane on "Amazing" with issue #298 boy Marvel had a Grandslamer of a catch for new & old readers alike. Then Todd wanted to write not just draw comics so Marvel gave him their 4Th book of Spidey simply titled SPIDER-MAN, (at this time I & many other spider-man fans wanted Peter & Mary Jane to have offspring in the story). Little did we as fans knew that would pay off at least a little bit in Marvel's "first attempt" to reset the Spider man storyline in the "Clone saga", Yes I said clone saga, Marvel thought with the unfinished story from the 70's it could push spider fans to liking Spider-man being single again, but with overpopulated sales of to many comics & other related deals Marvel Comics faced bankruptcy.
In 2,000 Marvel had hired new editor in chief Joe Quesada, in September he'd help the company out of bankruptcy by BIG changes in bringing most of the company's characters back to basics. Joe is not a bad person at all I know or think in his benefits that he brought with him when he came to being Marvel's EIC he has connection to hollywood writers that can bring about more readership to ANY book that they write, But this Blog isn't about Mr. Quesada at all. It's about Spider-man's wedding to Mary Jane, Mr. Quesada unfortunately is very involved in the issue of Spidey wedding by how HE wants it to be that Spidey should be single & never having the past 20 years, NEVER HAVE HAD BEING EXISTED so he wants to say I write the character not you Stan Lee. The one thing to Quesada credit was a year after becoming editor 9/11/01 had happen he was kind enough to keep Spidey Married, when the world needed to see fictional heroes along side real heroes in dealing with people coming together with their families for dealing with fear in the Untied States after terrorists try to impose fear in our hearts & minds. Joe wants to show from the end of "One More Day" that no family is important to him. In "One More Day" Peter is desperate to save Aunt May's life after being shot by a bullet meant for him at the cost of making a deal with the Devil to save her life and the price to let May live the "Marriage" of he & MJ should this have ever happen in a science fiction based book Magic to resolve the issue. NO I think that in today's view of Marriage people also need heroes including GOD to strengthening that if you have problems dealing with everyday life there's always hope, whatever the problems maybe & so if you have fictional characters showing this what does it really matter in the long run? Do you the reader of this blog agree that family is most important in every way or form to you? For me family is what matters, what matters to me in fiction is constancy. Especially comic related fiction, so no what matter what happen to Spidey's future I know that he'll always be responsible in his love to Mary Jane his best friend in the world. To be Continued in "Why I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character pt.4 Spiderman movies"
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